Causes of Farting Turned Out to Watch Out for

Farts released by the body can cause an unpleasant odor. Illustration/
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Everyone must have experienced farting or passing gas from the body.
Passing gas or farting is actually a normal thing to do.
But we still need to be vigilant if we fart frequently because it might disturb our own comfort and even that of those around us.
There are several reasons why the body frequently emits gas, such as farting.
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Consuming certain foods can cause farts, and even worse, there is a risk of disease in the human digestive tract.
For information, farts are gases that come from the digestive tract. Which is then expelled from the body via the anus.
The gas that escapes from the digestive tract usually makes a noise and emits a smell.
In general, farting will occur when the human body's digestive tract produces excess gas.
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Swallowing too much air when eating or drinking can lead to eating too much of certain types of food.
This can be a condition that causes excess gas in the digestive tract.
Farts are not only indicative of excess gas in the human digestive tract.Then it can also be accompanied by flatulence and belching.
If we refer to science in the health sector, the normal limit for someone to pass gas or fart is 8 to 14 times a day.
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