A Vulnerable Occupation: Working Too Hard Can Cause Chronic Lung Disease

Chronic lung disease ilustration. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Being too hard on yourself by forcing yourself to work can cause your body's health to decline.
In general, various diseases will actually enter and affect a person's health more easily when the body's immune system decreases.
As most people in general already know, when a person's immune system decreases, it becomes easier for that person to get sick.
In this case, it is related to the triggers or causes that cause a person's body to develop various diseases.
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Although health problems in the human body can be caused by exposure to viruses or bacteria from various sources, It can even cause chronic diseases.
In this case, people who work must pay close attention and be careful when maintaining the health of their bodies.
When did you know that working too hard and pushing yourself will actually make you more susceptible to disease?
One of the most severe impacts is experienced by its main workers, who do field work.
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They are at risk of various serious and even chronic diseases, such as chronic lung disease.
As previously reported by Radarlampung.co.id, workers who are most at risk of developing chronic lung disease are usually those who work in coal mines, textile factories, building materials factories, workshops, and as welders.
The complaints that arise due to chronic lung disease are usually in the form of a chronic cough, shortness of breath, and pain in the chest.
Even though they are no longer exposed to triggers, chronic lung sufferers will still experience complaints. This is, of course, different from those with asthma.
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