A Vulnerable Occupation: Working Too Hard Can Cause Chronic Lung Disease

Chronic lung disease ilustration. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
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If damage to the lungs has been detected even after it has settled in a person's body, Then the symptoms will continue to exist and require sufferers to get long-term treatment.
Many times, people do not realize that the small complaints they feel are small examples of how their health is subject to disease due to the work they do.
Whatever work you do has its own risks and benefits, depending on what you do and where you work.
In this case, workers must, of course, continue to take small steps as the first effort to protect themselves.
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Not only are there jobs that carry a risk of developing chronic lung disease, but there are also jobs that are at risk of causing asthma.
Asthma usually attacks the health of workers whose work exposes them to chemical fumes, gases, and dust directly.
Complaints that are felt due to asthma will quickly arise if the worker does not use protective equipment such as a mask while doing his job.
Meanwhile, field workers who are vulnerable to diseases such as asthma include textile factory workers, hairdressers, carpenters, and welders.
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In general, asthma is triggered by things that have the same symptoms as the disease itself.
Asthma symptoms are usually characterized by wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing.
However, in this case, the symptoms of asthma that appear in sufferers will worsen when working and improve when on vacation.
The severity of asthma also depends on how long the sufferer is exposed to the main trigger.
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