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Be Alert: Type of TB Disease Following the Symptoms That Arise

Be Alert: Type of TB Disease Following the Symptoms That Arise

Tuberculosis or TB disease is classified according to the signs and symptoms it causes. ILLUSTRATION/PIXABAY.com--

An examination of the swelling will be visible within 48 to 72 hours.

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If a red lump appears in the injection area, then you will test positive for TB.

Then, to measure the immune system's reaction to the bacteria that causes TB, you will do a blood test.

Through a blood test, the condition of a person having latent TB or active TB will be determined.

Next, to detect whether there are changes in the lungs, imaging tests will likely be performed.

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The doctor will likely recommend getting a chest X-ray or CT scan if the Mantoux test results are positive.

If the immune system is covered by the bacteria that cause tuberculosis, then the infected lungs will show white spots.

The doctor will most likely also collect a sputum sample to be tested in the laboratory.

As well as testing TB types that are resistant to drugs.  This is also useful in assisting doctors in selecting the most effective TB drugs for patients. (*)

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