Pioneer Flights from Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport Re-Open Today with Lower Ticket Prices

Pioneer Flights from Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport Re-Open Today with Lower Ticket Prices

Initial pilot flight early 2023 at Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport, Friday 6 January 2023. PHOTO OF MUHAMMAD TAUFIQ KIEMAS AIRPORT SERVICE UNIT DOCUMENTS--

WEST COAST, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - On January 6, 2023, Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport will relaunch a pioneer flight with Susi Air on the Krui-Bandar Lampung route.

The inaugural flight from Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport was attended by the Deputy Regent of the West Coast, A. Zulqoini Syarif, and a number of heads of regional apparatus organizations.

According to the Head of the Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport Service Unit (Kasatpel), M. Subandi, the public is quite enthusiastic about taking the first flight in early 2023.

Seen with a full airplane seat for the Krui-Bandar Lampung flight.

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"On the first day of early 2023, for pioneer flights at Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport, the number of passengers from Krui-Bandar Lampung was 12 people. In the meantime, there are two Bandar Lampung-Krui," Subandi explained.

Subandi said the pioneer flights in 2023 will only be once a week, namely every Friday.

For ticket prices, the Krui-Bandar Lampung route is IDR 179,840. Flights are scheduled for 09.45-10.15 WIB.

Then there's the Bandar Lampung-Krui route, which costs IDR 236,990. Scheduled flights from 08.55 to 09.30 WIB.

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Subandi hopes that, even if only once a week, passengers using Susi Air aircraft will continue to increase.

Moreover, ticket prices are cheaper than last year. It is hoped that this pioneering flight at Muhammad Taufiq Kiemas Airport will really be utilized by the public.

With the return of the operation of these pioneer flights, it is very helpful for the West Pesisir Regency Government.

Meanwhile, Deputy Regent of the West Coast A. Zulqoini Syarif hopes that all parties will really maximize these pioneering flights.

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