Get To Know, This is 12 Typical Lampung Foods and Drinks

Seruit Lampung is a typical food from Lampung Province. IMAGES/INSTAGRAM @sri_hartati_sri_hartati--
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If you like it a little bitter, you can try this typical Lampung dish. Umbu is a dish made from young rattan, which is boiled until tender. Lampung people usually serve umbu in two ways: as fresh vegetables or with rice and fresh vegetables. Umbu is also often used as a traditional food in traditional ceremonies.
Those are some examples of typical Lampung foods and drinks that culinary lovers can try when visiting the Lampung area.
For those of you who want to buy snacks for the family with the taste and characteristics of Lampung province, let's go culinary. And share which typical Lampung cuisine is your favorite. (*)
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