Get To Know, This is 12 Typical Lampung Foods and Drinks

Get To Know, This is 12 Typical Lampung Foods and Drinks

Seruit Lampung is a typical food from Lampung Province. IMAGES/INSTAGRAM @sri_hartati_sri_hartati--

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This typical Lampung drink, in the form of juice made from kwini mangoes, has a quite unique taste. The combination of the sour taste of manggakweni with the sweetness of cold sugar water can soften the spicy taste of Sambal Seruit.

8. Luwak Coffee Durian

Have you ever tried civet coffee? Have you ever felt how it tastes when civet coffee is mixed with durian? Durian Kopi Luwak is a traditional Lampung drink that is popular among West Lampung residents.

The luwak coffee that has been cooked, while it is still hot, is then mixed with durian flesh and stirred until evenly distributed. That different feeling is what gets you hooked.

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9. Rajabasa Chips

Emping Rajabasa are melinjo crackers that are dry-roasted. The crunchy taste makes Emping Rajabasa very suitable to be served with soup or as a snack.

10. Tasty Benjak

Benjak Enjak is a typical Lampung food made from a mixture of glutinous rice, old plantains, coconut milk, and sugar. Pesisir Lampung and Pepadun Lampung usually serve benjak enjak at family celebrations or other traditional events.

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Benjak enjak is not only sweet and salty but also has many benefits because it contains lots of fiber.

11. Iced Coffee Jelly

One more typical Lampung coffee drink that is a traditional culinary attraction in the city of Lampung Iced Kopi Jelly is served chilled with ice cubes and chunks of jelly cut into small pieces. This mixed coffee drink is not made to be thick but is processed first so that the taste is more pleasant.

12. Umbu

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