Getting to Know Leptospirosis: Complications Can Cause Acute Kidney Injury

Society must be aware of the Leptospirosis disease, which is caused by bacterial contamination of water. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.COM--
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The general symptoms that usually appear in patients with leptospirosis are fever, headache, and diarrhea.
Not only that, sufferers of this disease are also likely to experience nausea, vomiting, and a lack of appetite.
As well as red eyes and feeling muscle pain and stomach pain, so that red spots appear on the skin that won't go away when pressed.
Transmission of Leptospirosis is generally caused by direct contact between human skin and animal urine that carries Leptospira bacteria.
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Or it could also be due to contact between human skin and water or soil contaminated with the same bacteria.
Eating food contaminated with the urine of animals carrying the Leptospira bacteria must also be watched out for.
Always check the cleanliness of food so as not to harm the body and invite disease.
Besides that, the cleanliness of the residence must also be seriously considered, especially if one of the family members has an open wound.
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Leptospira bacteria are considered to be able to enter the body through open wounds. Both minor and major injuries
Or it could also enter through the eyes, nose, mouth, and digestive tract.
As a result, even the smallest cleanliness must be carefully and precisely considered in order to avoid infection caused by this Leptospira bacteria. (*)
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