Three Types of Hearing Loss That You Must Know

Hearing loss could give bad impact for someone's health. Ilustration/
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The cause of a person experiencing sensorineural hearing loss is an autoimmune disease that attacks the ear.
Then there is also Meniere's disease due to head injuries caused by accidents.
Sensorineural hearing loss, in its treatment, aims to improve hearing function for patients who experience this condition.
2. Conductive Hearing Loss
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When a person experiences a condition where sound waves cannot reach the inner ear. Then it can be called conductive hearing loss.
Conductive hearing loss is generally triggered by a buildup of wax in the ear.
Then there is a buildup of fluid until the eardrum leaks.
Health problems such as conductive hearing loss can be treated with medical treatment.
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Medical treatment can be carried out by means of surgery with the aim of restoring the sufferer's hearing.
3. Mixed hearing loss
For someone who has mixed hearing loss, it is usually triggered by damage to the outer, middle, and inner ears.
Another trigger for a person experiencing mixed hearing loss is damage to the nerve pathways to the brain.
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