4 Types of Herbs That Are Good for Body Health

Ginseng, An herbal plant whose roots are often used as an ingredient to treat various health complaints. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Before starting the era of sophisticated technology as it is today, people in the days of their ancestors always used medicines made from herbal plants.
Various types of herbal plants are believed to be able to treat various diseases.
Herbal plants are believed to have many ingredients or properties that are good for the human body, so that they are able to help maintain health.
There are at least four types of herbal plants that are known to the public and are often used as a treatment or traditional medicine.
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Reported by Radarlampung.co.id from various sources on Monday, March 13, 2023. The following are types of herbal plants that are good for body health.
1. Ginseng
Who doesn't know ginseng? An herbal plant whose roots are often used as an ingredient to treat various health complaints.
Ginseng root is often used as herbal medicine to treat various health complaints in the human body.
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This ginseng root extract is considered to be able to increase body immunity, brain function, and energy.
The antioxidant content of ginseng is indeed able to reduce inflammation in the body.
Even though it has many good benefits for the health of the body, consumption of ginseng must still be within the limits and directions of health experts.
Ginseng is not poisonous because it is a herbal medicinal plant, but it can be if used excessively and for an extended period of time.
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