4 Types of Herbs That Are Good for Body Health

Ginseng, An herbal plant whose roots are often used as an ingredient to treat various health complaints. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
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So this one herbal plant can cause insomnia and hypertension in its users.
2. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba herbal plants have been trusted for hundreds of years since the time of their ancestors. And used as herbal medicine that can maintain heart and brain health.
Ginko biloba is known as the maidenhair tree and is the only living species in the Gingkgophyta division.
Besides being believed to be capable of being a heart and brain treatment, Ginkgo biloba is also said to be able to improve blood circulation.
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Then help reduce anxiety and stress disorders for the treatment of Alzheimer's and dementia.
But keep in mind that the use of the relatively safe gingko biloba herbal plant is in doses that are not excessive.
The use of herbal plants per day is only 120 to 240 milligrams.
Excessive use of herbal medicines will actually cause side effects such as headaches, dizziness, palpitations, diarrhea, itchy skin, and redness.
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3. Turmeric
Turmeric is known as a shrub that is annual or perennial and is spread throughout the tropics, including Indonesia.
This medicinal plant is usually used as herbal medicine in traditional medicine in society.
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