Benefits of Bathing After Exercising

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Bathing after exercising with cold water is considered to improve the immune system.
Cold water can trigger an increase in the supply of an antioxidant known as glutathione.
These antioxidants function to increase immunity in the human body.
However, don't take a shower immediately after exercising, especially when sweat is still pouring out of your body.
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Even after exercising, body temperature is still not normal due to activities that increase body temperature.
because when exercising, the heart will beat faster to pump blood throughout the body.
Take a shower when your body temperature is back to normal or when you are no longer sweating.
If you remain stubborn and take a shower immediately after exercising, it will be very detrimental to yourself.
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Don't force yourself to take a shower after a workout just because you're already feeling very hot and sticky.
If you keep pushing yourself, you are at risk of having a heart attack.
Even worse, if you take a shower immediately after exercising and your body temperature is still not normal, you run the risk of sudden death.(*)
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