You Must Know, It Turns Turmeric Has Many Health Benefits

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Turmeric is a medicinal plant in the form of a shrub and is an annual that is spread throughout the tropics. Turmeric thrives and goes wild around forests and former gardens.
Turmeric, also known as curcumin, is one of the original spices and medicinal plants from the Southeast Asian region. This plant then spread to Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, and even Africa.
Almost every Indonesian and Indian, as well as almost all Asian nations, have consumed turmeric, both in the form of complementary spices, herbs, and medicines to maintain health and beauty, such as in skin and facial care.
Turmeric belongs to the ginger family. Turmeric is known in various regions with local names such as Unin (Ambon), Gorachi (Ternate), which means "gold," Turmeric (English), Kurkuma (Dutch), and Turmeric (Indonesia and Malaysia).
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Aside from being a cooking ingredient, turmeric has been used for a long time in traditional medicine. This is because the curcumin content contained in turmeric rhizomes is thought to have properties that are good for the body's health.
Turmeric Nutrition Content
In 100 grams of turmeric:
• 10 grams of protein
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• 168 milligrams of calcium
• 208 milligrams of magnesium
• 299 milligrams of phosphorus
• 2 grams of potassium
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