Beware: This is the Result of Bathing After Exercising

It is not recommended to take a shower immediately after exercising. This will have a bad impact on health. ILLUSTRATION/PHOTO SOURCE HEALTHLINE--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Activities that trigger a lot of sweat to come out of the body, of course, make the body feel hot.
Most people will feel like taking a quick shower after doing sports activities.
Generally, sports activities do trigger sweating, which is the cause of body odor and stickiness.
Even though the study of science is prevalent in the health sector, bathing after exercising is not recommended.
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someone who immediately takes a shower after finishing sports, which makes his body sweat.
This can actually have a bad impact on their health.
When exercising, the human heart will beat faster so it can pump more blood throughout the body than it normally does.
Blood will be pumped by the heart when the muscles are active, so that blood circulation in the body becomes smoother.
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Exercise is an activity that can increase body temperature so that the body will sweat a lot.
This sweat released by the body will return your body temperature to normal.
After exercising, the human body temperature must feel high. And if that temperature is immediately splashed with cold water, it can trigger adverse effects that are detrimental to the health of the body.
someone who immediately takes a shower or splashes cold water on a body that is still hot.
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