Tricks to Not Spend Money on Additional Google Drive Storage Space

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG – Storage space on Google Drive does have a decent capacity.
Google provides a storage capacity of 15 GB on Google Drive for each user account.
Google Drive users get a combined storage space of 15 GB, which can be used for all services.
With the available storage space, Google users can access all services for free.
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Despite the fact that the storage space is sufficient to keep important files from being lost or deleted.
However, it turns out that that much storage is still not enough or too little if the user is a worker who needs to store important files.
On Google Drive, storage space can actually be cleaned up to save money on buying additional digital storage.
Google Drive can actually allow its users to buy storage space.
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But cleaning up junk files in storage would actually be a good way to save money.
If you understand how to manage it, you can get more and more free storage space on Google Drive.
Google will certainly notify its users and ask whether they want to buy more storage space or not.
However, rather than spending money simply to increase storage space on Google Drive.
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