Getting to Know Flexing: Definition, Causes, and Consequences

Showing off your wealth on social media can be an example of flexing. ILLUSTRATION/PIXABAY.COM--
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There are also other causes, such as the person experiencing social pressure in his or her environment.
The social pressure in question is the existence of lifestyle demands within the association.
Flexing has consequences for anyone who does it, whether intentionally or unintentionally.
Although it has a positive impact because it is done for a good cause.
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However, this flexing action mostly has a negative impact that is detrimental to the perpetrators themselves.
The impact of flexing will usually make the perpetrator look like he is forcing the situation.
This, of course, will be very dangerous for people who are in the habit of flexing. Then one day he couldn't fulfill the wish anymore.
Even though it is done with the aim of attracting attention, the flexing person will actually find it difficult to make friends.
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In this case, most people will be happier with those who have the same standard circumstances or conditions as them.
The act of flexing will also interfere with the personality of the perpetrator and cause him or her to become a person who lacks empathy, to the point of being disproportionate.
In fact, the perpetrators of flexing also tend to support beliefs that are detrimental and act discriminatorily. (*)
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