Benefits of Turmeric for Beauty

Get to know the benefits of turmeric, which is efficacious for skin beauty. ILLUSTRATION/
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID -Besides known as a spice that is commonly used as a spice for certain dishes. For example, goulash with herbs
Turmeric apparently has other properties that are most popular with women.
The benefits of turmeric are not limited to its use as a spice to enhance the taste of food.
The yellow-to-orange spice also has other benefits, such as natural beauty remedies.
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Turmeric is not only useful for dealing with skin problems such as acne.
If you use this spice as a mask or scrub, it is very possible that the results will make the skin look brighter.
This is due to the presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds in turmeric extract.
So in the health sciences, turmeric can help with various health problems on the skin.
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Nevertheless, it is important to remember that in its consumption. Turmeric should not be consumed in excess because it can cause irritation and allergies.
so that its use must be done in the right way and dosage.
There are many benefits of turmeric that you need to know, including its use as a natural mask.
Using turmeric as a mask regularly is considered to brighten the skin.
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Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. assessed as being able to ward off free radicals that cause dull skin.
Turmeric can also be used to prevent and treat skin breakouts.
Because it has antibacterial properties, turmeric is considered able to overcome skin problems by killing acne-causing bacteria.
The content of anti-inflammatory compounds is also said to be able to overcome inflammation due to acne.
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By routinely using a turmeric mask, black spots and panda eyes are also considered to be cured.
Black spots due to hyperpigmentation can also be treated by routinely using a turmeric mask, which is rich in antioxidants.
However, people who have black spots on their facial skin still have to use sunscreen both inside and outside the room.
The use of sunscreen is done so that the facial skin is not directly exposed to sunlight. Which contains UV or ultraviolet rays that cause skin problems on the face.
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In addition, in a study, turmeric was also considered to reduce wrinkles on the face.
This is possible because turmeric can increase collagen production.
If collagen needs are met, the skin will feel more elastic and tight. So free from wrinkles. (*)
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