Fact Check: Brown Sugar Turns Out to Have Good Benefits for Health

Brown sugar, a sweetener as well as a seasoning flavoring, has various good benefits for the health of the body. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - For household actors, using brown sugar as a sweetener in salad or other cooking spices is considered important.
Brown sugar is important in several traditional dishes because of its distinctive taste.
Not only that, brown sugar which is considered to have more nutrients is also considered to have good properties for the health of people who consume it.
This sweetener as well as flavoring for dishes is considered more nutritious than white sugar.
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The good benefits that brown sugar has are due to the nutrients contained in coconuts which are also available in brown sugar.
Although the amount of nutrition is limited, brown sugar also has it such as iron, calcium, potassium and zinc.
The nutritional properties contained in it make brown sugar better than consuming white sugar.
Brown sugar is also believed to be able to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels, but still pay attention to a reasonable amount of consumption.
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Reported by Radarlampung.co.id from the alodokter.com page on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. Brown sugar, which contains good nutrition for body health, turns out to have various benefits, including the following:
To be able to increase energy in the body, everyone needs sugar or glucose intake.
Consuming brown sugar is the right suggestion so that the body does not experience low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.
Nevertheless, consuming brown sugar must also be in a reasonable portion.
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