Frequent Defecation After Exercise Turns Out To Be Dangerous

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG CO.ID - Some people will usually defecate once or twice a day.
This defecation is an action or natural process of living things to get rid of the dirt in their bodies.
Every living creature will certainly excrete solid or semi-solid feces that come from their digestive system.
This activity is also considered to be able to help the body clean the space in the large intestine. As a place for new dirt so as not to accumulate.
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But what happens if the human body always excretes dirt or feces as a result of exercise?
Reported by from the page on Monday, April 10, 2023. Exercise is considered to be able to help smooth bowel movements.
Based on research conducted by Harvard Medical School, people who exercise regularly will not experience constipation.
Because the large intestine in the human body can respond to activities carried out by the body itself.
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Bowel movements will become more regular because the muscles are used while exercising.
The muscles and diaphragm will later play an important role in the process of defecation.
However, if the muscles are weak, they cannot play their role properly, so bowel movements are irregular.
By exercising, the process of transferring feces can be done quickly due to the stimulation of natural contractions in the human intestinal muscles.
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