Fact Check: The Dangers of Blowing Hot Food to Health

The health risks of eating hot foods. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Some people may feel worried that their tongues will burn if they immediately eat hot food.
Eating hot food will make the person who eats it blow on the food.
Although some people may also be more resistant to food that is still hot.
This is because food that is still hot will be more enjoyable to consume.
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While some of them feel they have to cool or blow on the hot food. For fear of burning his tongue and mouth if he consumes it directly without chilling it first.
Blowing hot food can actually be harmful to the health of the person who eats it.
Hot food that is blown before being put into the mouth will be dangerous because it risks transferring germs from the blowing mouth.
If a person eats by being fed, then the hot food is blown into another person's mouth and consumed.
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This can trigger the risk of developing a disease due to the transfer of germs from the mouths of people who blow on their food.
Blowing hot food is actually permissible, as long as it is eaten alone.
So in this case, blowing hot food is not recommended if the food that is blown will be given to other people.
If you force yourself to eat food and give it to someone else, This does not rule out the possibility of water falling onto the food during the process of blowing it so that it is a little cooler.
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