Recognizing Overheat: Signs and Prevention

It is important to warm up and cool down during exercise to prevent overheating, which can be harmful to your health. ILUSTRATION/PHOTO MYDOCTOR.ID--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO. ID - When a person is exercising, he suddenly feels that his body temperature is very high.
then also feel dizzy and weak all of a sudden while exercising.
So you have to be vigilant about the possibility of overheating, which can harm your health.
For information, overheating itself is another term for hypothermia, or a condition where the body temperature is above normal.
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Normal humans generally have an average body temperature of 36.5° to 37.2° Celsius.
However, if someone is in an overheated condition, Then his body temperature can reach 40 °C.
There are several factors that can cause the body temperature to rise, including hot air temperatures. Thus causing dehydration in the body.
Then there is also the factor of sports or physical activity that is too heavy and seems to be imposing.
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Disorders of balance regulation in the body can also be a factor causing this overheated condition.
Another factor that can cause the body to experience overheating or hypothermia is the consumption of certain drugs.
Someone who takes certain drugs, such as diuretics or antipsychotics, is also at risk of overheating.
Therefore, this condition must be prevented by recognizing the signs that you might feel at the start.
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