Fact Check: Reducing Stress with Laughter Is Not a Myth

Doing activities that can make you laugh, like watching funny videos, can help your body reduce stress. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Whether you realize it or not, laughter turns out to have good benefits for the health of someone who does it.
Besides being beneficial for nourishing the body, laughter also has other benefits, namely reducing stress.
Laughter has good benefits for one's physical and mental health.
If you pay close attention, laughter is usually done consciously or unconsciously and is generally done in happy moments.
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There are many things that can make someone laugh, including watching funny videos, reading messages on social media, or maybe hanging out and chatting with the closest people.
You need to know that when someone laughs, that person's body releases endorphins.
Laughter can trigger the release of endorphins, and we know these hormones can improve our mood.
Not only that, endorphins can also strengthen the immune system when people laugh.
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By laughing, you can be said to be doing therapy to improve your mental health.
Reported by Radarlampug.co.id from various sources on Monday, April 17, 2023. Laughter can reduce feelings of stress in someone.
Some people generally feel this benefit because, when they laugh, the burden on their mind is slightly reduced and feelings become more positive and happy.
Laughter can also increase blood circulation and help relax muscles because it is considered to reduce levels of stress hormones such as cortisol, epinephrine, or adrenaline, and dopamine in the body.
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