Withdrawal Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and How to Overcome It

The use of certain drugs can trigger withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal symptoms. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Long-term abuse of several types of drugs can make a person addicted.
The long-term use of certain drugs will put the user at risk of experiencing withdrawal syndrome.
Withdrawal syndrome or drug withdrawal symptoms will generally occur when a person stops using alcohol, narcotics, psychotropics, or maybe even certain addictive substances.
If the person stops using the drug after using it for a long time. So that person may experience withdrawal symptoms or withdrawal syndrome.
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Withdrawal symptoms will generally be marked by a number of things, including nausea, sweating, watery eyes, and body shaking so that you feel confused.
Even worse is when someone experiences these withdrawal symptoms. That person can even experience hallucinations, seizures, loss of consciousness, or fainting.
However, the symptoms that generally appear when a person experiences withdrawal syndrome can vary.
It depends on the type of drug, dosage, and duration of use of the particular compound or drug consumed.
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However, if we pay attention in general, people who experience withdrawal syndrome will usually feel restless, anxious, and experience mood swings.
Then feel continuous headaches, nausea, vomiting, and shaking or tremors.
People who experience withdrawal symptoms will also feel their bodies shiver, become irritable, experience sleep disturbances and muscle aches, and experience a decrease in appetite.
Reported by Radarlampung.co.id from the alodokter.com page on Friday, April 14, 2023. There are several drugs that can trigger a person to experience withdrawal symptoms.
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