Withdrawal Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and How to Overcome It

The use of certain drugs can trigger withdrawal syndrome or withdrawal symptoms. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--
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Certain drugs can trigger withdrawal symptoms or withdrawal syndrome, including opioids or pain relievers that are already severe.
Taking other drugs, such as antidepressants, to treat depression can also trigger withdrawal syndrome in a person.
There is also the use of benzodiazepines or sedatives to treat anxiety disorders, sleep disorders, or insomnia.
Then there are barbiturates, which are drugs to treat seizures, insomnia, and anxiety disorders.
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Finally, there are amphetamines, which function as drugs that doctors usually prescribe for people with ADHD.
Meanwhile, the use of these drugs is actually permissible as long as they are used for medical purposes and are under the supervision of a doctor.
As long as the drug is used according to the dosage and under the supervision of a doctor, withdrawal symptoms or withdrawal syndrome can be prevented.
In dealing with withdrawal syndrome, doctors will usually prescribe other drugs to counteract the effects of withdrawal from certain compounds.
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Usually, the doctor will slowly lower the dose of the drug that triggers withdrawal symptoms.
Supervision will continue to be carried out by doctors for patients with withdrawal syndrome. And even usually require additional treatment such as rehabilitation. (*)
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