Get to Know Xanthoma: Causes and Treatment

Xanthoma conditions in the area around the eye. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Some people have generally experienced lumps on the skin, especially on the skin of their hands.
The lumps that form are usually caused by the accumulation of fat under the skin.
The parts of the human body that most often cause lumps are usually around the knees, elbows, hands, feet, or maybe also the buttocks.
The accumulation of fat under the skin that causes the lump is called a xanthoma.
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In general, xanthomas are not painful for people who have these lumps on their skin.
However, this condition must be watched out for because of certain health conditions that require proper treatment from a doctor.
Xanthoma is a health condition that requires proper treatment because people who experience it may suffer from high cholesterol or diabetes.
For information, Xanthoma also has another type that often appears on the eyelids and is known as Xanthelasma. Xanthoma can also appear as a single lump or in groups. The lump that appears feels soft.
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Usually, xanthomas vary in size and give rise to various colors such as yellow, red, or orange.
The sizes also vary; some are large, up to 7 cm or more. And there are also very small ones, like pinheads.
Even though it doesn't cause pain, the lump will generally feel itchy on the part of the skin where the xanthoma appears.
Based on monitoring from the page on Monday, April 17, 2023. Xanthoma can be triggered by several health factors, such as excess blood fat, which generally triggers cholesterol and triglycerides.
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