Here's the Fact: Eating Garlic Helps Smooth Breast Milk

The benefits of garlic which turns out to be able to help smooth breast milk. Photo/
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Has a fragrant and pungent aroma when stir-fried. Garlic turns out to have many benefits.
Besides being believed to help prevent osteoporosis in women, Garlic, which is often used as a spice in cooking, has other benefits.
Who would have thought that garlic has an important role in promoting breast milk?
The benefits contained in garlic are due to the presence of the chemical allicin.
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The allicin compound has many benefits for the body, especially for women.
reported by from the page on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Garlic turns out to have an important role in reducing complaints in premenstrual syndrome, also known as PMS.
PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, generally occurs in women before menstruation with several symptoms.
There are several symptoms that are common and are felt by women due to this condition.
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Symptoms that are commonly felt by women due to premenstrual syndrome include acne, stomach cramps, and pain in the breast.
Then the content of galactagogues in garlic is believed to be able to help expedite breast milk.
Consuming garlic is also beneficial for women who have experienced menopause.
By consuming garlic every day, women who have experienced menopause will be assisted in the production of the hormone estrogen.
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