Because of This, It Can be Difficult for Certain People to Get Employment

Kamis 12-01-2023,11:55 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - -Finding a job in this day and age of advanced technology is not easy for everyone.

It's no longer a secret that it's difficult to get a job, especially now that there are more and more job seekers every year.

And right now, job opportunities are quite limited, so it will be difficult for someone to get a job according to their abilities.

For those who find it difficult to get a job, maybe the following signs are one of the reasons why it's hard for you to get a job:

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1. Not recognizing one's own potential

When you first enter the workforce, you must hone and also explore your potential.Thus, it will be easier for you to navigate a career that suits your passion.

2. Desire an Excessive Salary

If you want to get a high salary, of course, you also have to have the appropriate experience, ability, and qualified skill set in a field. Salary should be negotiated based on ability and experience.

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3. Too passive

Continue to look for job opportunities, as well as improve your skills and upgrade yourself by learning new things. Never feel satisfied with the skills you currently have.

4. Unattractive CV

Make a CV that has value so that it can attract the attention of HRD. You can do this by increasing your experience, such as by participating in various trainings, internships, or volunteering.

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