An Easy Way to Deal With Burnout

Rabu 08-03-2023,05:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

Next, look for activities or hobbies that are fun and relaxing to help deal with stress.

Also, do physical activity that can help reduce stress or divert your mind for a moment from everything that can cause burnout.

Don't forget to get enough sleep to help restore health and fitness.

If the body lacks sleep, it can trigger symptoms of burnout due to fatigue. This can also make you less focused on doing work.

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Feeling emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and undervaluing personal accomplishments are the reasons a person experiences burnout.

Another trigger for someone experiencing burnout is also due to too much pressure on the work being done.

Feeling emotionally or physically exhausted to the point of inability to cope with problems is a common symptom of burnout.

Even worse, someone who is experiencing burnout also sometimes feels pain in the body and stomach due to digestive problems.

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A person in a state of burnout often feels alienated from all activities related to the work they are doing.

Burnout will make the person feel increasingly frustrated or even cynical about co-workers.

As a result, people who experience this burnout condition will distance themselves and, even worse, become numb to everything related to work.

Another bad impact felt by someone with burnout is a decrease in performance.

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Decreased performance will be felt due to negative feelings and difficulty concentrating on the work being done both at home and at the office.

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