An Easy Way to Deal With Burnout

Rabu 08-03-2023,05:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

Even though they seem fine, someone who is experiencing burnout usually loses motivation.

This actually made him start worrying about everything about work before returning to the office.

If someone has experienced burnout, that causes a loss of motivation.

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Then, the more severe impact felt by someone in this condition is losing hope and often feeling hopeless.

That's what causes low self-esteem and loss of confidence, frequent thoughts of suicide, and even attempts to do those negative things.

In this case, it is very important for everyone to manage stress and minimize burnout due to stacked work.

Therefore, it's good if you have a lot of work. So pay it off little by little instead of piling it up and adding to the workload, which can lead to burnout. (*)


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