Benefits of Breakfast for Body Health

Jumat 17-03-2023,05:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Most people often skip breakfast on the grounds that they don't have time and are in a hurry.

Whereas in the science of health, breakfast has many good benefits for the health of the human body.

Breakfast has many good benefits for the health of the human body, so it is advisable not to miss it.

Of course, before carrying out daily activities that may be busy and tiring, they must be done in a focused manner.

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But can you stay focused when your stomach is rumbling because you haven't had breakfast?

In a simple analogy, if likened to a vehicle, then of course it requires fuel.

A car will not be used if it does not have enough fuel.

Likewise, humans, of course, both need energy intake in order to carry out their work activities properly.

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Everyone is advised to take breakfast every day to help the body stay healthy.

Reported by from the page on Thursday, March 16, 2023. One of the benefits of breakfast, especially for women, is that it helps reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Women who are healthy but don't have time for breakfast tend to have higher levels of bad cholesterol.

Breakfast also helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease, which are known to be very harmful to the human body.

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