Check Out the Following Explanation: Tuberculosis Complications Can Cause Joint Damage

Sabtu 25-03-2023,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

Then there are people who have cancer and end-stage kidney failure. They are susceptible to exposure to TB-causing bacteria.

There are also those who belong to a group of people with another risk of being exposed to TB, namely people who are undergoing treatment.

In this case, the treatment in question is a treatment that can weaken the immune system or the body's immune system, for example, chemotherapy.

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People who take immunosuppressant drugs, such as people with cancer, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease, are also susceptible to the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.

Furthermore, there are people who have bad lifestyles, such as those who are active smokers, abuse drugs, or consume alcohol too often.

If you live with someone who has tuberculosis, So the risk of infection is even greater.

Not only that, but people who live in crowded, slum, or high-risk residential areas, such as nursing homes or homeless shelters, are more likely to contract tuberculosis. (*)

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