Officially Determined! This is Three Names of Candidates for Chancellor of the University of Lampung

The Three Names of candidates for chancellor University of Lampung.--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Three names of candidates for rector of the University of Lampung were immediately sent to the Ministry of Education and Culture, on Thursday, December 22th 2022. Namely Prof. Asep Sukohar; Prof. Lusmelia Afriani and Prof. Suharso.
Chairman of the Senate of the University of Lampung (Unila) Prof. La Zakaria stated that the names of the three rector candidates were determined in the election which took place on Thursday, 22 December 2022.
"The implementation of the assessment this morning was attended by the Directorate General of Higher Education Prof. Nizam. Then the presentation of the vision and mission. After that before the 47 senates and the Temporary Excecutor of Director General of Higher Education. 15 minutes per reading and 45 minutes of question and answer," said Prof. La Zakaria.
After the presentation, at around 13.30 WIB the voting was continued, including by Prof. Riswanto who is sick. Based on the voting, Prof. Suharso got 21 votes. Followed by Prof. Asep 10, and Prof. Lusmelia 7 votes.
BACA JUGA: Calon Rektor Universitas Lampung Prof. Asep Sukohar, Dokter Segudang Prestasi dan Jabatan
Then Dr. Nairobi 6 votes, as well as Dr. Ayi and Prof. Hamza got 1 vote. While Dr. Marcelina and Prof. Murhadi didn't get a vote.
After completion, continued La Zakaria, the names were immediately sent to the Minister via Plt. Director General of Higher Education Prof. Nizam.
"We have sent the three names today. As soon as the counting is finished, they will be sent immediately. Because the Acting Director General is here. Then on the 28th, there will be a phase 2 election. There are 35 percent of the ministerial votes," he explained.
On the other hand, Prof. La Zakaria also denied reports of a senate banquet on Tegal Mas Island recently.
BACA JUGA: Calon Rektor Unila Prof. Suharso, Mantan Buruh dan Cleaning Service yang Jadi Guru Besar Termuda
"When the news was reported, I was at the Rectorate. So I was confused, which senate reported this," he said firmly.
Meanwhile, Prof. Suharso as the recipient of the most votes said he was optimistic to advance to the next stage.
"Yes. But there is still one more round with 35 percent of the Minister's vote. If you have progressed, you have to be optimistic," said the professor who was a former construction worker and cleaning service during college.
Then Prof. Asep Sukohar also expressed his gratitude and will continue the process ahead.
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