Unique! Dubai Will Have the World's First Supermodel Robot Cafe in 2023

Ilustration of the World's First Supermodel Robot Cafe in Dubai.--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Along with the rapid development of world technology, it seems that the rhythm has changed after the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
reported by radarlampung.co.id from the India Times information page on Saturday, December 24, 2022. Dubai will soon have the world's first supermodel robot cafe.
Dubai will soon have the world's first "supermodel" robot cafe, where guests will be served by robotic waitresses in 2023.
The cafe is known as Donna Cyber-Cafe, which is ready to open in 2023 and will be the first cafe in the world that is completely run without the help of human hands.
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The cafe will be open 24 hours a day and will feature a number of ice cream and coffee machines that are controlled directly by human arms.
Even though the location of Donna Cyber-Cafe is still unknown to the public, one thing is certain: Dubai residents will see a cafe with a similar concept in the near future.
A similar concept that is predicted to exist in Dubai is considered convincing because technological developments in the country have developed very rapidly.
For the supermodel robot component, the cafe stated that it would be imported directly from Russia.
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In the cafe there will be a robot that has a beautiful face named "Robot" (C2) and is made by the robotics company RDI Robotics.
To perfect the robot, RDI Robotics also explained that the robot will have a relaxed and feminine personality.
It aims to make the visitors comfortable because they are spoiled by the nature of the robot waiter.
Because, besides being able to remember customers, robots can also store information related to the company.
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