The Sensation of Lampung's Typical Durian Coffee, an Enjoyable and Relaxing Drink When Sipped

The Sensation of Lampung's Typical Durian Coffee.--MBKM 5
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Durian coffee is certainly no stranger to a number of Indonesians.
For residents of Sumatra, such as Lampung, Bengkulu, and, of course, Medan, who are already accustomed to drinking durian coffee, this is nothing new.
Coffee can be trusted to neutralize the pungent aroma of durian fruit for those who are used to enjoying this durian coffee.
Durian coffee fans often enjoy black coffee during durian season, the sweet and sour taste that blends with the durian flesh will create a creamy sensation when drinking it.
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The custom of the people of Lampung is to dip the flesh of the durian fruit into a cup of their typical black coffee. Bengkulu people usually drink it by replacing sugar by putting one durian seed in hot coffee.
Durian coffee is usually consumed at night to fight sleepiness and unwind for some people.
People who are not used to it, on the other hand, will experience mild intoxication.This is due to the caffeine content in the coffee, mixed with the alcohol found in the durian flesh.
Until now, many have been sold on the instant durian coffee version. where in one pack there is a blend of coffee and durian fruit extract.
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Many people make durian coffee as Lampung souvenirs and have a habit of drinking durian coffee.
Many Lampung people believe that durian coffee has benefits and properties that can be felt by the body, including:
1. Stamina booster
Coffee has a high caffeine content, which is useful for making the body fresher because it can suppress the movement of adenosine in the body.
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