Extraordinary!! This is 7 Foreign Films that were Shot in Indonesia

Extraordinary!! This is 7 Foreign Films that were Shot in Indonesia


RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNF - Because of Indonesia's natural beauty and diverse culture, Indonesian filmmakers frequently explore locations in the country that are production locations for various film genres.In fact, it turns out that there are several foreign films that have been filmed in Indonesia.

Some of these foreign films were starred by well-known Hollywood actors and actresses, and a number of films among them won several awards.

There are also a number of these foreign films that involve several well-known Indonesian actors. As Indonesians, this should make us proud.

1. King Kong (2005)

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Mursala Island, located in North Sumatra, was renamed Skull Island in the 2005 film King Kong.It is said that this island was the first place King Kong (the giant gorilla) was discovered.

The King Kong film, directed by Peter Jackson, won three awards at the 2006 Oscars.

2. The Fall (2006)

Tha Fall is a film about love and vengeance.The filming process took four years, and the shooting process was carried out in more than 20 countries, including Indonesia.

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An interesting thing is found in one of the scenes set in Indonesia, which displays one of the characteristics of the Balinese people, namely the Kecak dance.

3. Anacondas: The Hunt for Blood Orchid (2004)

This film tells the story of a threat that comes from the world's largest snake and is experienced by a group of experts who are looking for flowers that they use to prolong human life. They believe that these flowers are found in one of the areas in Kalimantan.

4. Eat, Pray, Love (2010)

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