6 Symptoms of the Quickly Contagious Omicron Kraken and Their Impacts

Ilustrasi Virus. (Foto/Pixabay.com)--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG –Various new variants continue to emerge and mutate, even though the impact of the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has not completely disappeared.
Recently, the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron subvariant XBB 1.5, now known as the Omicron Kraken, has also appeared.
reported by radarlampung.co.id from the National History Museum's website on Wednesday, January 11, 2023. The name Kraken appears to be a reference to one of the mythological creatures from Ancient Greece.In this case, Kraken describes a more transmissible coronavirus subvariant.
The Kraken is described as an aggressive, cephalopod-like creature from Greek mythology, capable of destroying a ship and its contents.
Meanwhile, the faster transmission of the Omicron Kraken has triggered a spike in cases in a number of countries around the world.
Quoting from the Center for Disease and Prevention Control (CDC), the surge in COVID-19 cases that have occurred in recent times has been triggered by the Kraken subvariant.
For example, in the United States, cases of the spread of this virus have jumped from 4 percent to 41 percent.
It is not yet known exactly what the transmission caused by this virus is, but some people think that the symptoms it causes are similar to its predecessor variants.
The symptoms of the Omicron Kraken virus in general that should be watched out for are as follows:
1. Sore throat
This one symptom does sound common to the public, but it seems that the symptom of a sore throat also often appears as an early symptom for people affected by COVID-19.
These symptoms are predicted to appear in the COVID-19 subvariant XBB 1.5, and usually, people who are exposed to the virus feel their throat hurt, making it difficult to swallow.
2. Sneeze
Just like flu symptoms in general, a stuffy nose that feels itchy to the point of sneezing apparently can also be experienced by COVID-19 patients and usually appears shortly after a sore throat.
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