10 Indonesia's Wealthiest Governors: Some Have Hundreds of Billions of IDR
![10 Indonesia's Wealthiest Governors: Some Have Hundreds of Billions of IDR](https://radarlampung.disway.id/upload/7715e75a8d54a8fe22c937673024b9e2.jpg)
Indonesia's Wealthiest Governors: Some Have Hundreds of Billions of IDR. ILUSTRATION/IMAGES-PIXABAY.com --
7. Governor of East Nusa Tenggara, Viktor Laiskodat, IDR 33,637,166,538.
8. Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Ali Mazi IDR 28,634,743,733
9. Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa IDR 24,795,595,966
10. Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, IDR 22,600,702,572 (*)
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