Stunting prevalence has decreased in three provinces in Indonesia
Results of the Indonesian nutritional status survey (SSGI) 2022.--
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Low body weight for children of their age and slow bone growth are also symptoms of stunting that parents should watch out for.
Stunting is usually caused by many factors, such as the family economy, frequent illnesses or infections, environmental conditions, and non-health problems.
In addition to disrupting the child's physical growth, the consequences of stunting also need to be watched out for.
But it can also interfere with brain development so that it affects ability, productivity, and creativity at ages that should be more productive.
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Even so, stunting can still be prevented by paying attention to the following things:
How to prevent stunting in children
1. Meet nutritional needs while the child is still in the womb. When a mother is pregnant or in a pregnant state, she must pay attention to her nutritional needs in order to keep the womb from stunting.
2. Breastfeeding for 6 months
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3. Combine breast milk with nutritious MPASI.
4. Always monitor the growth and development of children.
5. Always maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment.
Meanwhile, until 2023, there are still 15 villages that have become stunting loci in the East Lampung region.
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