5 Most Haunted Lakes on the Mountain in Indonesia

Ranu Kumbolo Lake. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
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Stories circulated in the village that there was once a mountain climber who was struck by a calamity.
The hiker was possessed and suddenly wanted to swim in the lake at night.
The story then involves a lake guard who wants to drown the climber.
Pretty scary, right? Located at an altitude of 2100 meters above sea level, this lake offers beautiful views and calm waters. Because of its cool air, Ranu Regolo is often visited by tourists or climbers. Do you dare to visit Ranu Rule?
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4. Habema Lake
You can visit the lake above the most haunted mountain in the Trikora Mountain area, namely Lake Habema.
Some of you may still be unfamiliar with the name of this lake, right? You can visit Lake Habema in West Papua Province.
With a height reaching 3,225 meters above sea level, this lake is also often called the lake above the clouds.
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The beauty of Lake Habema turns out to have quite a lot of mystery stories.
One of the stories circulating is about the sound of a child crying. The sound is believed to come from a rock. It is said that there used to be a child who was cursed to turn into stone for going against custom.
Until now, Lake Habema has been known to present beautiful views as well as being quite a scary tour.
Interested in stopping by this lake while climbing Mount Trikora?
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