5 Most Haunted Lakes on the Mountain in Indonesia

Ranu Kumbolo Lake. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
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5. Lake Segara Anak
Lake Segara Anak is known as a beautiful lake worth visiting on Mount Rinjan, Lombok, and West Nusa Tenggara.
Located up to 2,000 meters above sea level, this lake is also known as one of the most haunted mountain lakes in Indonesia.
How? This is because there are many mystical stories about Lake Segara Anaki. Lake Segara Anaki is said to have the guardian spirit of Mount Rinjani.
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In addition, there are many caves around Lake Segara Anaki that climbers are not allowed to enter.
For security reasons, climbers choose to follow the rules and not enter the caves that surround Lake Segara Anak. (*)
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