5 Baches in Lampung Suitable For Pre-Wedding Photos

Kedu Warna Beach, on of five beaches recommendation for pre-wedding photos. Images/Instagram @aldian_46--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - For young couples who are going to have a wedding, pre-wedding photo moments are one of the requirements that you don't want to miss.
Pre-wedding photos can be carried out indoors or outdoors, and the beach is one of the pre-wedding photo spots.
Here are five beaches in Lampung that are suitable for wedding photos:
1. Pasir Timbul Beach
Pasir Timbul Beach is located not far from Bandar Lampung City, to be precise, in Pesawaran Regency.
One of the beauties of this embossed sand beach is the clear sea water, perfect for pre-wedding photos. From that location, you can also visit the nuances of Sari Ringgung Beach, even before arriving on Pahawang Island past Pasir Timbul Beach.
2. Tapak Kera Beach
Tapak Kera Beach is a beach located in Vocational Village, Merak Belatung, Kalianda, South Lampung. Even though access is quite difficult, the pre-wedding couple came to the location. So, to enjoy the beauty of this beach, you should come early in the morning to get a beautiful view of the beach.
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3. Marina Beach
Marina Beach's beauty, with the sound of big beach waves and big new stones, is not uncommon if this location is frequently recommended for pre-wedding photos.
The location is not far from the city of Bandar Lampung, to be exact, about 43 km or 22 km from Kalianda City, to be precise, in Merak Belatung District, South Lampung Regency.
4. Kedu Warna Beach
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