Beware: Hobbies That Stretch Your Back Can Cause This

illustration of fatigue due to activities that make a person often stretch their back. Photo/
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - After doing a busy and tiring activity, most people will stretch their backs until they make a sound.
This stretch is commonly known as "kretek" by most people.
The hobby of doing kretek is usually done by those who are tired after doing other activities.
People who usually kretek alias stretch their back and fingers or toes do it because they feel relieved afterward.
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If we review stretching or kretek in health sciences, So kretek is actually not good for bone and joint health.
For example, when we rotate part of the upper body, a certain sound is heard. So the sound occurs due to changes in air pressure in the spinal joints.
Even though the sound that is heard is normal, if it is done frequently and causes pain, So the clove-kretek habit must be stopped immediately.
Everyone does have different health conditions.
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However, if Kretek is done by elderly people or those who have a predisposition to damage to the back joints,
So when their backs are crazed, it is likely to increase the risk of dangerous and detrimental things happening.
Not only that, cloves can also trigger disturbances in the blood vessels and nerves in the human body.
Reported by from the page on Monday, March 20, 2023. Kretek can have a negative impact on bone health, especially cartilage.
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