Does Sweet Food Turn Out to be Dangerous for Children? Check out the following explanation:

The dangers of consuming excessively sweet foods or drinks for children's health. Illustration/Photo
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Who doesn't like sweet food? Most children in general must really like sweet foods.
Children in general really like a variety of sweet foods, such as ice cream, chocolate, cakes, and many more.
However, even though sweet food is something that is very popular with children,
In this case, parents must remain vigilant because sweet foods have their own set of dangers for children.
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Because it has a sweet taste, the food consumed can indeed be easily accepted by the child's tongue.
This is because sweet foods are known as a source of energy, but sugar is low in nutrients and high in calories.
If you give sweet foods too often, it will actually make your child's addiction to sugar even worse.
For information, foods that contain sugar If consumed in the body, it will be interpreted as something pleasant by the brain of the person consuming it.
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When the brain thinks it is pleasant consumption, it will cause children to become addicted to sweet foods.
In this case, consumption of sweet foods must be limited; for example, children aged 2 to 18 years will be better advised to consume foods that contain no more than 25 grams of sugar or no more than 6 teaspoons per day.
Then, for children under the age of 2, it is really not recommended to eat foods that contain any added sugar at all.
Reported by from the page on Friday, April 7, 2023. There are several dangers that can cause disease due to consuming sugar too often.
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