Dangers of Drinking Coffee When Iftar

This is what makes drinking coffee when breaking the fast dangerous. ILLUSTRATION/PHOTO PIXABAY.com--
BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Some people cannot abandon the habit of drinking coffee.
Some people cannot easily give up the habit of drinking coffee at a certain time.
for certain circles, especially coffee lovers. Drinking coffee will feel very quenching their thirst.
But if it is associated with fasting, where people refrain from eating or drinking all day.
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This is, of course, a big question mark regarding whether drinking coffee after a day of fasting or when breaking the fast is permissible.
Because drinking coffee when breaking the fast is considered to relieve thirst for those who are coffee lovers,
reported by Radarlampung.co.id from the alodokter.com page on Saturday, April 8, 2023. There are several reasons why drinking coffee when breaking the fast is considered harmful to the health of the human body.
For some people, enjoying coffee when breaking the fast will be more complete if it is added to takjil and other foods.
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The habit of drinking coffee is actually the same as that of those who are used to drinking tea when breaking their fast.
But in this case, coffee is known to cause nausea and vomiting if consumed on an empty stomach.
If we look at the health side, drinking coffee when breaking the fast is actually fine.
However, there are important notes that coffee lovers should remember. that they don't have certain medical complaints, for example, an ulcer.
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because the caffeine content in coffee can trigger muscle contractions in the digestive tract. which is often associated with increased stomach acid production.
Especially if consumed by ulcer sufferers, drinking coffee, which contains caffeine, can also trigger various other complaints in the digestive tract, such as diarrhea.
Drinking coffee when breaking your fast is fine as long as you don't have a history of the disease.
It's better if you drink coffee after filling an empty stomach all day, for example, by prioritizing eating takjil and then drinking coffee.
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The amount is also limited; it is enough to drink 1 or 2 glasses. Not too much because it can cause insomnia or sleep disorders.
Drinking coffee is considered to cause a person to experience sleep disturbances due to the caffeine content in it.
If you drink too much coffee and it makes you insomniac, So it is not recommended because it will interfere with activities the next day.
But as long as you don't have a history of certain diseases, especially those related to the digestive tract.
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You can drink coffee when breaking your fast with a certain amount and your body is in a fit state. (*)
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