5 Most Haunted Lakes on the Mountain in Indonesia

Ranu Kumbolo Lake. IMAGES/Pixabay.com--
RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG - Visiting natural attractions is one of the interesting things you can do to relax.
One of the views is the lake.
Have you ever thought of visiting a lake or mountains?
Besides being known for their beauty, many mountain lakes also have mysterious stories.
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This is a list of the 7 most haunted mountain lakes in Indonesia that you should know about.
1. Ranu Kumbolo
Some of you must be familiar with the name Ranu Kumbolo Tour, right?Known for being beautiful, this tourist spot is often a vacation spot for tourists or mountain climbers.
If you want to visit there, you can come to the Mount Semeru area in East Java.
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But behind the beauty of Ranu Kumbolo, who would have thought that this place is known as one of the most haunted mountain lakes in Indonesia?
There are many mystical stories about Lake Ranu Kumbolo. It is said that a goddess lives in Ranu Kumbolo.
Often, the goddess appears in the middle of a misty lake. Seeing this gave me goosebumps.
It is believed that Ranu Kumbolo is inhabited by another creature, namely Pokong, apart from the figure of a goddess.
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