Metrorrhagia: An Abnormal Bleeding Outside the Menstrual Cycle in Women

Senin 03-04-2023,17:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - Women aged 45 and over are generally the target of health problems in the form of abnormal bleeding.

Bleeding that occurs abnormally outside the menstrual cycle that occurs in women is known as metrorrhagia.

Metrorrhagia is the medical term for bleeding, which is a health disorder that generally occurs between menstrual periods in women.

This hemorrhagic condition can be caused by many things, including stress and a lack of nutrition in the body.

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The type of abnormal bleeding that occurs in this condition includes vaginal bleeding.

Although it can be experienced by women of all ages, this condition is actually more common or experienced by women aged 45 and over.

Apart from age, there are several other causal factors that are considered to increase a woman's risk of experiencing this abnormal bleeding.

Other factors that can trigger this condition include sexually transmitted diseases, tumors in the uterus, and a history of abortion in people who have hemorrhagia.

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Metrorrhagia is of course different from menstruation; this condition can cause heavy menstrual bleeding outside the menstrual cycle in women in general.

Reported by from the page on Monday, March 3, 2023. Treatment for metrorrhagia is generally carried out by doctors and adjusted based on the underlying cause of this condition.

There are several options that doctors generally take to treat abnormal bleeding outside the menstrual cycle.

First, the doctor will likely prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

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