Causes of the Condition Metrorrhagia in Women

Senin 03-04-2023,21:30 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis
Editor : Alam Islam

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – A woman in general will experience bleeding during the menstrual cycle, which occurs regularly every month.

But in this case, women must also pay attention to whether the bleeding is due to the menstrual cycle or not.

If the bleeding occurs abnormally outside of the menstrual cycle, this condition is known as metrorrhagia.

For those who don't know, metrorrhagia is a medical term for bleeding, which is a health disorder that generally occurs between menstrual periods in women.

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Bleeding that occurs in the condition metrorrhagia includes the type of abnormal bleeding from the vagina.

This hemorrhagic condition can be caused by many factors, including stress and a lack of nutrition in the body.

Although it can be experienced by women of all ages, this condition is actually more common or experienced by women aged 45 and over than by women who are still in their teens.

Apart from age, there are also several other causal factors that are considered to increase the risk of experiencing this abnormal bleeding.

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Other factors that can trigger this condition include sexually transmitted diseases, tumors in the uterus, and a history of abortion in people who have hemorrhagia.

Metrorrhagia is of course different from menstruation; this condition can cause heavy menstrual bleeding outside the menstrual cycle in women in general.

Reported by from the page on Monday, April 3, 2023. The following are the causes of metrorrhagia in women:

The first factor that can cause menorrhagia in women in general is stress.

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