BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Some people must have experienced a state of unconsciousness, or what we know as fainting.
Fainting can indeed be experienced by someone anytime and anywhere, depending on the factors that cause it.
There are many factors that can cause a person to experience fainting, including a lack of oxygen and sugar intake to the brain.
There are also other contributing factors such as fatigue and certain medical conditions, namely hypoglycemia, heart problems, and electrolyte disturbances.
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Then it is also caused by panic attacks, so that it lowers blood pressure drastically.
Furthermore, when seeing people faint, Most people will probably rush into taking action.
Some of them may serve a drink to someone who is in a fainting state.
In fact, people who are unconscious or fainting should not be given a drink directly.
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This is because it might be dangerous for the person because it can make him choke. That's because people who faint can't regulate the oxygen that goes in or out of their respiratory organs.
When the body is in a state of fatigue, eating too late, or changing body position too quickly so that it is in a jostling condition.
So this needs to be watched out for because it might be a trigger for someone to experience this fainting condition.
An overly tired body can trigger a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate in a person.
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