Because if you consume brown sugar in excessive portions, it will actually make your blood sugar soar and cause hypertension, aka high blood sugar levels in the body.
Furthermore, brown sugar which has a low glycemic index will not cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels.
Because if blood sugar levels in the body soar, it can have a bad impact on those of you who are diabetics.
These benefits apparently come from the inulin content in brown sugar.
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For information, inulin is a soluble fiber that is useful in slowing the absorption of sugar in the blood.
So that if inulin functions properly, the spike in blood sugar after eating can be minimized.
Then consuming brown sugar is considered to be able to meet mineral needs better than consuming white sugar.
However, consuming brown sugar needs to be limited so you still need to consume other high-mineral foods.
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To meet the needs of minerals in the body, you can eat some foods high in minerals including nuts, shellfish, oysters, cauliflower, broccoli, eggs, avocados or it could be strawberries.
Consuming brown sugar in the right portion can also prevent fatigue and minimize the risk of anemia.
Furthermore, consumption of brown sugar can actually maintain bone health. This is due to the presence of potassium and calcium in brown sugar.
As we know, calcium is needed by the body to form strong bones.
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while potassium has a function in minimizing the wastage of calcium through urine.