8 Types of Cigars the Selling Price has Also not Changed, So It's Still Being Sold at the Lowest Price of IDR

8 Types of Cigars the Selling Price has Also not Changed, So It's Still Being Sold at the Lowest Price of IDR

The government will increase tobacco excise duty by 10 percent and e-cigarette excise duty by 15 percent in 2023. This policy is followed by an increase in the retail price of cigarettes in Indonesia. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.COM--

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Cigarette consumption by the public, which exceeds the consumption of proteins such as eggs and chicken, is also being considered by the government after cigarettes became the second largest household consumption after rice.

Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Finance (PMK) Number 191 of 2022, the retail price per cigarette, which is effective from January 1, 2023, consists of:

1. Machine Kretek Cigarettes or SKM

- Group I: The lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp. 2,055 per stick.

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- For Group II, the lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp. 1,255 per stick.

2. Machine White Cigarettes or SPM

- Group I: The lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp. 2,165 per stick.

- Group II: The lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp 1,295 per stick.

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3. Hand-rolled cigarettes or SKT or SPT

- Group I: The lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp. 1,250 to Rp. 1,800 per stick.

- In Group II, the lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp 720 per stick.

- In Group III, the lowest retail selling price of this product is Rp. 605 per stick.

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